
Legal Highs - what are they?Find out more about legal highs, what they are, how they can have an adverse impact on your life or on those you care about. Legal highs (also known as Novel Psychoactive Substances) are substances used like illegal drugs, but not covered by current misuse of drugs laws, and so they are legal to possess or to use but the consequences of using them can be serious and long term. Read more about legal highs.





What support is available?Find out more about the ill_legal highs campaign, what it aims to do, who’s supporting it and what support is out there for you or those you care about. The #Ill_legal highs campaign aims to raise the awareness, risks and dangers of participating in the use of these drugs and to provide information and signpost young people, parents, carers, teachers and anyone else to support services if they are worried about the impact of legal highs. Read more about the ill_legal highs campaign.